Curriculum Vitae
1983 to 2002 Area salesman of laboratory equipment for food testing.
1993 al 2014 Founder , owner and chief executive of Labo-scientifica srl , Parma.
Labo-scientifica has been a distribution company specialized in high quality laboratory equipment for chemical and microbiological analysis. It has worked and grown in close co-operation with major companies in food processing, drinks and beverages , meat processing, packaging industries both locally and overseas.
Besides distribution, Labo-scientifica has continuously supplied high standard expertise and consultancy on a variety of food laboratory related matters and has assisted customers in laboratory layout , design and start-up of turn-key laboratories to businesses in the ex-USSR, China, Algeria, Myanmar, Iran. This has enabled me to develop collaboration projects with Research Institutes and Universities.
To supplement normal business turnover, Labo-scientifica has designed and marketed some specific devices for analysis of vegetable products .
2014 - Project Manager of Parma Controls with a plan to develop a full range of online and offline systems for quality control in food preserves, meat processing, beverage and packaging industries.
2016 - Founder of the single-member company Guarnieri – Parma. The company deals with the development of quality and safety in the food and packaging industries
PROFESSIONAL SKILLS - I have held full responsibility for the strategic planning , development and leadership of my small business, performing general management duties, supervising daily operations and handling purchases and logistics; I have located markets, developed advertising campaigns, procured new customers and maintained relations with them and with suppliers, handled sales,led the company’s marketing communication and promotional programmes, written sales literature.
In my business in Italy and in frequent trips abroad I have dealt with private companies, University Boards, Government officials, high-profile political figures.